Alright, we have made it to another Wednesday! Now, this week I was going to have my manicure done in this color...
Zoya's "Rica"
BUT, of course with my luck, it still isn't here... still. I want to get this package so bad! So yeah, I'm saving doing my nails until my order arrives. When it does, I will do an amended post and show you guys how it looks! My friend introduced me to Zoya, and I think I might buy everything. Ha haha. She has a blog too, it isn't specifically a beauty blog, it's more of a random rants blog, but it's hilarious, and great. Check her out!
So yeah, I hope you all are having a wonderful week thus far, and nice weather (finally!). I can't wait for the long weekend, I have some fun things planned... maybe I'll do some sort of photo montage haha.
Also, I am definitely going to show you guys my 4th of July festivities makeup. Simple, but colorful, and I think it's going to turn out great!
Love you all,